I spend 10 days in Warsaw, Poland. Warsaw is the capital of Poland.
I visited my cousins, some I have never met before. I went on a two hour walking tour and saw a lot of graffiti. I went to Copernicus Science Centre. At the science centre I made a slingshot and there was a lot of cool things. There was a magic carpet. It worked like this: it blew air from the bottom and we can sit on it and float.
At dinner my favourite thing to eat was dumplings that had cheese and potato with a ginormous lemonade. We had a very modern apartment building.
Top things in Poland:
1. I like the ice cream
2. I like the waffles
3. I like the food
4. I like the ice tea
5. I like the dumplings with cheese and potato
While in Warsaw I saw a lot of street art and graffiti. There is graffiti scattered all over the place. I went on a graffiti tour. Some call it vandalism, in Poland they call it art!
Hello Elliot,
It looks as you grow up since I saw you two weeks ago. I like the bench and I like graphitie you took picture of. But I am not sure from which tower you took your video, was it Warsaw or Kraków? (Or I missed it watching the video)
Maybe when I will be back home I will start to staff my freezer with your favorited dumplings. Have fun
Pingback: Poland - and so we did
I really like your comment about graffiti in Poland. You added more pictures. Some of them are very beautiful. I guess it depends of “what and where” graffiti is. Keep taking pictures and it might be interesting subject: “graffiti around the world”
Have a wonderful time
I would like to hear / read your comments about Prague and Budapest.
In Astorga I went to chocolate museum. I told people that I have to go to the museum because my grandson loves chocolate and he would be most happy living in a chocolate castle.
Great post Elliot! Sounds like you ate your way through Poland 🙂 Do you know what Copernicus is famous for?
Hi Elliot, It’s Jackson.
How is it going? Is it going well?
I like watching your videos.
Have fun!
Hi Elliot, it’s Evan.
Hope your having fun.
I like your picture with your stickbot on your sunglasses.
I sent you a picture to your email.
Have fun!
hi Elliot
The pitures look cool.
Hello ElLiOt
i love your stik man.
I hope you’re having fun too, Evan. Thanks for liking the picture with stikbot. We are in Montenegro now. We are here for 5 days. In our house we have a nice view. Speaking of which, we went to a mountain top today and saw 80% of the whole country.
Thanks Jackson. I am doing really well. Secret: I might put a blog up in 5 days. Shhh, shhhh.
Thanks Minh for the reply. I’m in Hvar. We rented an apartment on the top floor and there is a nice view right beside the ocean. Today we are swimming. Forgot to tell you we got here yesterday and are staying here for 4 days. Copernicus is famous for the teaching use that the earth goes around the sun. Before that people thought the sun went around the earth.
Hi babcia
The graffiti was in Warsaw and Krakow. The video was from a church tower in Warsaw. I can’t wait until you stuff the fridge with pierogi. I did this late now I am in Montenegro.
Thanks babcia for the comment. I was in Hvar. Our apartment was on the top floor with a really nice view. There was not so much graffiti there.