Elliot in Nepal

We went on a plane ride to start the Everest Base Camp trek. We had two bags and a porter carried them but my mom and dad carried their own bags. We have been walking for four hours and then we got to our teahouse. A teahouse is a hotel with a restaurant. We had a room with 2 beds, 1 window and a light. It had a shared washroom. We were staying for 1 night.

Forgot to tell you:  the airplane can fit 13 people including the pilot and the runway was only 500m. It is the smallest runway in the world.

Day 2

Today I woke up and it was freezing. I put my clothes on and went to brush my teeth. Then we all went downstairs. There was heating by a wooden stove. For breakfast I ordered an apple porridge with honey ginger tea. Then we started on our way. I saw so many people walking. The whole thing was 3 hours. We were about to do 6 hours, but we didn’t because we would have been walking at night and if that happened I would not have been writing this for you. On the way along the hike we took a break for a snack and had finger chips (what they French fries).

Day 3

Today we woke up and it was not so cold. When I got out of my sleeping bag it was kind of cold. We got our warm clothes on and went for breakfast. For breakfast I got a tomato soup and it was homemade. Then we went on a 4 hour walk 600m up. We stopped at one point and saw Mt. Everest. Then we walked a little longer and got to a village. The village was so big. Then we went to our hotel. We were surprised we had our own washroom and 3 beds with a pillow and covers. Then we went for lunch. I ordered a tuna sandwich. In the dining room we noticed a poster for a documentary on Mt. Everest that we went to see.

Day 4

Today we climbed a mountain to see good views of Mt. Everest. Then we climbed a higher mountain and at the top was a hotel. We had lunch with a nice view then we walked down to our hotel.

Day 5

Today we got up and after breakfast we did a 6 hour hike with 1 lunch break. We all ate our meal except Chloe. She felt not well so we were walking slowly. It hurt more when she was walking uphill so we came down, changed plans and stayed at the bottom of the hill for two nights.

Day 6

We only took little walks to help Chloe get better for the rest of the trip.

Day 7

Today Chloe felt better so we did the walk. It was 5 hours and we took a lot of breaks. For lunch we went to a bakery. We had a pizza. It was special because it had yak cheese. My sister and I ordered a margarita pizza and olive pizza for my mom and dad. The pizza was not big but good.  For dessert Chloe got an apple crumble, my mom and dad got an apple pie and I got a Snickers pie. It blew my mind. I have never seen a Snickers pie. They make it just melting a Snickers bar in dough, then baking it. After that we went to our hotel. It was different than the other hotels. This one had a bathroom, hot shower, 2 beds with electric blankets, two windows and a cupboard—that is considered fancy.

Day 8

Today when we woke up Chloe was not so sick. We all had breakfast and then started. We walked for half an hour and Chloe got sick again. We talked about it and then we went back to our hotel. Next to our hotel lived a nurse that retired 2 years ago. She said Chloe was fine, so that was good. Then we had lunch and that was good.

Day 9

Today Chloe did not feel good so we did not try to walk anywhere. In the middle of the day Chloe’s ear hurt. My mom and dad were talking we might walk down, but Chloe’s ear hurt more and she was crying for like half an hour so this blew my mind…we took a helicopter ride for an hour to go back to a hospital. Going on a helicopter was on my bucket list. I was so happy.

Forgot to tell you: We did not get to Everest Base Camp. We only went half way. When we went to the hospital they were doing test on Chloe. Then we heard we had to sleep there. The place was very nice and the food was good.